Anna Loveridge
As the owner of Legal Ease Document Assistance, I pride myself in being able to provide quality services that are affordable. My goal and my desire is to help the public so they can afford legal document assistance, without having to sacrifice quality in work.
I have been in the legal industry for over 20 years so there is very little that I have not seen or experienced in the legal world. I worked as a Lead Paralegal in a corporate setting where I was on the litigation team, which means that I handled all of the cases that went to trial with over 25 attorneys and a staff of 100 or more. I have also worked in a smaller setting office where attorneys heavily relied on the help of Paralegals. There, I prepared all of the legal documents and handled all client files from beginning to end. The attorneys I have worked for have always demanded quality and efficient work. I believe that this, along with my experience in performing the actual work for trial attorneys, has given me firsthand knowledge of the big picture. In dealing with the public this is very important. A lot of legal document preparation services have never even worked under an attorney so they have no idea what happens when they prepare a document incorrectly.
A mistake made in preparing a Will or a Power of Attorney isn’t discovered for years until it is too late. I have seen cases go to trial where people are trying to recover assets and/or property that could have been avoided if they filled out their paperwork correctly. I have seen corporations go bankrupt because they thought they were protected by classifying themselves as corporations, only to find out that the protection they thought they had was false, because they failed to follow through with the necessary documentation.
Not only do I know how to prepare legal documents with superior quality, but I also know, first hand, what can happen if paperwork is not filled out correctly. I am very passionate about my family and about my work. I am dedicated to making sure that each and every matter, no matter the size or complexity, gets handled with the utmost attention. If you are looking for a trusted paralegal or a document assistance service, you are in the right place. At Legal Ease Document Assistance it is our motto to “Strive to make your legal experience an EASY one!”